moment of clarity

When I was 15, I broke my glasses abroad on a trip to mexico to visit my dads family. this happened in Guadalajara, on my first leg of the trip I had been playing soccer with my cousins and a stray ball to the face broke them apart.I hadn't brought an extra pair and my bad vision made it difficult at the time to get a new pair from the local optometrist right away so I decided just do it on the second leg of my trip which ended in Puerto Vallarta. so when I was picked up at the airport by my Aunt Eva and Uncle carlos I was basically blind and I would squint to try and see. I go to the optometrist the next day where the eye doctor tells me my new pair will be ready in about a week. so for a week I am basically just inside my Uncle's house and every now and then i get taken to the beach only enjoying the sounds and the warmth of the sun. the day I arrive to get my glasses my Aunt Eva comes with me to pick them up and as soon as I put the glasses on I look up to see this old hag with wrinkles and bad yellow stained teeth looking back at me! she was short and her eyes were sunk in like 2 wells with deep blue eyes at the bottom. There were hair strands poking up all over her head like she had been rubbed with a party balloon. I put the glasses away and tell my aunt I am not used to them yet (a lie)I was really just saddened because the whole week I had been having these great conversations with my cool Aunt Eva and getting to really know her. what she was like growing up in San Francisco, her life as a hippie and her move to Mexico when she was 40 and marrying my uncle in her 50's. I got to know her the way a blind person would. She looked nothing like I had seen in pictures. after a few days I got used to wearing my glasses around her and eventually I stopped seeing her like the wrinkly old lady I first saw with my new pair of glasses. so yeah, I can definitely notice the changes.

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