Moms, what would have been the best baby shower gift you could have received?

Earplugs. Plastic gloves. Bleach. 409 spray. Sleeping pills. Marital conflict resolution book... Just kidding. I had twins lol. Um money. Good quality video camera/camera. Those memory handprint/plastercast things. Movie tickets/dinner card for couple and promise to babysit. They have these little rocket blender things with these little jar tops that u can make your own baby food with that was cool to have my kids ate real food instead of theat gerber nasty food. I got a little handmade baby blanket that was just big enough for the car seat so i kept it in the car or stroller that was kinda cool. Oh... I got a rechargeable battery station with rechargeable batteries... Like c's and d's the swings and toys use soooo many big batteries that saved me a ton of money. A table top foldable swing is sooo handy. Take good pictures at the shower i cant tell u how many people have pasted away now that my kids are 12. Great grandma's and friends in drunk driving crashes cancers. Its good to see how many people were in those pics supporting my new family. So just making a cute scrap book for the couple after the shower can be a nice added gift. A good quality photo printer can be nice. A variety of pacifiers can be good some kids like a certian one so its good to have a couple kinds to find the right one can save a lot of stress. Always bring diapers.

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