Mum has breast cancer. Dad is leaving her because of it

That’s just a lazy response.

You can do better than that.

Or maybe consider the fact that if you can’t do better than that, perhaps your position is incorrect?

Intelligent people have open and flexible minds. They consider the evidence and weigh it up against what they’re told.

If men are disappointing, and you are a man who is disappointed by that fact - then fight it by being part of the solution.

Problems are not resolved by denying their existence.

Re divorce settlements:

Women get the most when they have majority custody of children.

They require resources to raise them.

Children that both parties actively participate in bringing into existence.

I can’t think of a single western legal system that does not begin custody negotiations from a 50/50 position, and then hears arguments from both sides to the contrary.

I’ll tell you a little secret - men don’t ask for custody and they don’t fight for it in any statistically significant way.

Then they shout from the rooftops about how unfair it all is.

If men were prepared to do the work, they’d get the settlement in their favour.

They’re not. So they don’t.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent