My GF just told me I destroyed her life.

Do you still have the texts where you asked her if she felt ok and safe and was sure she wanted to send them?

I understand there’s various ways a person can be pressured and either gender should not be pressuring another person into sending nudes but I also feel neither gender should claim any type of harm or assault if it’s not warranted.

I don’t know the context of this scenario and what you may or may not be including that would be relevant context. If for any reason you’ve told her self harm stuff and then followed it up with comments like/such as/along the lines of: “but having you keeps me from wanting to self harm” … or something like “your nudes are what keep me wanting to live”, than I can see how she felt obligated even if you asked her for verbal consent. This is where it gets grey

If you never, ever pressured her and could technically even prove it than it’s unfair pressure to put on you if her mental health isn’t great, which it sounds like neither of you have great mental health.

Btw, I’m sorry for the loss of your dad, I know that painful feeling hangs on for years but I bet your dad would not want you to self harm

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent