Life insurance more often than not don't pay out when a person commits suicide.
Besides that as user @rivarr says, 7000 in debt isn't that much. Hell my study loans are more than that, and I am pretty far off a diploma, let alone a job. Money is far from your biggest problem, I know people with 5* your debt and those are not much older than you, nor do they have a bright future ahead of them. Debt, in all things considered in life, is something minuscule and more often than not necessary (honeslty I expect myself to be in debt for the rest in my life).
But that doesn't mean that gambling is problem. What makes you want to gamble? Do you get a kick out of it, or is it more of pass time activity, does it make you feel alive or something else?
Loneliness is a problem. And not one easy to get rid off. What makes you lonely? The fact you don't have a good friend or the fact you don't have a relationship, maybe both or maybe something else entirely?
And do you honestly want life to stop? Or just the toxic thoughts in your head?
If you want to talk I am available. Thought I recommend professional help.