My moms house caught fire but didn't burn down due to no drafts. Most of the damage is from the heat and smoke. I slightly shifted items around.

I'm afraid you're wrong. Let's run the numbers.

Terpin's belongings value: $4,627

Kitchen: $692

I have a washer and dryer set that's from the 80s, and a fridge and stove from the 80s (these are all furnished by the landlord), we'll just group value these items together worth $500 even though they honestly wouldn't be worth anything but a trip to the scrap heap.

I have a $50 microwave I bought a few years ago at Walmart. I have one "Buffet style" cat bowl for my cats that's valued at $12 on amazon, and one $30 catbox. I have $100 in food in the fridge right now because I just did my shopping. This includes cat food, because my fancy kitties eat well.

Bedroom $660

I have 10 woot shirts, valued at $8 per piece brand new. I have 5 pairs of leggings ($20 per piece, brand new) and 2 pairs of jeans ($30 per, brand new). 10 pairs of underwear and socks; socks valued at $15 I think for the 10 pack, I think I paid $12 for 3 pack of underpants, so 3 of those. I have one pair of shoes, Tevas, that retail for $60. I have one fancy winter jacket that would cost $100 to replace, though I don't think I could find this exact one again.

My mattress was $200 on Amazon brand new, and I have two sets of sheets valued at $12 each from walmart. I have two jumbo pillows, those cost me $5 each. I have a chest of drawers that cost me $30 at Walmart (fake wood stuff) and a $20 lamp. I also have one set of curtains, valued at $15.

Livingroom $900

I moved into my home several years ago and never bothered to furnish it with anything other than what I really needed. Here I have a $200 TV, a $200 treadmill and 3 $25 yoga balls. I also have a console ($300) but the games are downloads so I could recover those if I needed to. I also have an olympic weight set, that's $125 and two kettlebells ($40).

Hallway $260

Here I keep my towels in a cabinet and cleaning supplies. I have $50 in cleaning supplies right now, probably $150 in linens (winter blankets, spare pillow cases, etc.) and 3 $20 towels.

Bathroom $115

Here I always have one $20 towel, my $20 pack of toilet paper and various toiletries (let's value them at $75). I have no medications, so if my house burns up or whatever I won't have to replace those.

Extras $2000

I have a $200 computer I built myself with mixed refurb and new parts and a monitor that I spent $70 on at a refurbished place. These could all be done again at the same price. My landlord furnishes the blinds for the house and curtains (except for the bedroom, why I have no idea) so I wouldn't have to pay to replace those. I have a $100 desk, I have various art posters valued at around $20 each (probably 10x scattered about my home), and random small items that I would have to replace if a fire happened (I have a collection of 20 books that I really love, so I'd want to replace those). I have a $50 office chair I bought from the goodwill. There are family pictures that are in a $50 fireproof safe in the garage, and I'm sure there are some other items like my headphones, cat toys, cheap silverware and others that I'm missing. I'm going to be very generous here and put a sticker of "$2000" on everything total, when honestly it would probably be much less.

That brings the total to $4,627. Insurance would give me probably half this if I was lucky. many items are so old or their value so depreciated that they probably wouldn't be covered.

I live a very plain life, I don't have much, but I have what I need.

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