My solution to "I don't know what to say"

Well I didn't say you're going to approach random people and tell them about your anime figure collection. You should strive to be interesting overall, not for others, but for yourself. If the only thing you care about it your anime collection then people will definitely not want to talk to you, and you should work on opening up for more things.

But I can assure you that even if you're into weird stuff, if you're able to slide it inside a conversation when it fits, it could be a very interesting topic to talk about.

You're right, most people aren't into anime or games , so if that's all you do of course you're asking to fail socially. But if you accept yourself, understand that it's ok to enjoy whatever you enjoy, then it's going to make life much more comfortable, and actually help you socially. For example, I hate sports. I barely know anything about it, never in my life have I seen a full game of any kind of sport. I couldn't care less about it. But I met this dude at work who's really into all kinds of sports, he knows all the teams, the rules of all the games, and he follows multiple sport events at the same time. It's his passion. And it was very fun listening to what he had to say about it, even though I didn't care about sports, at all.

What I'm saying is, as a person, you should always strive to improve yourself, to keep going, to find new things in life. But you should also never neglect what's right here, right now. You should accept what you are and who you are, at all times, and with that move forward.

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