Need help interpreting which career/education my natal chart best directs me towards

I would like to offer a different, non-astrological perspective.

First off, I'm sorry for your loss. I also lost a parent in 2013. I'm not over it yet. I'm not working either. I also flip the fuck out if I'm in a stressful setting.

Honestly, this is normal. In my case, I have the luxury of being able to take some time off and I chose to use it. In your case, you have the advantage of being young enough to shake off pretty much anything, given enough time. Nobody on the face of God's green earth should give you shit for this rough patch, and if they do then you should run in the other direction because that person is a jackass.

Since you're young, you have a lot of options. Do you have the option of a home-based school? My state has this. Perhaps there's something similar where you live. There are also GED programs that will allow you to study part time, which may be better suited for where you are emotionally.

Did you ever consider counseling for the loss? Personally, I would have lost my goddamn mind if I hadn't found great counseling during and after my mother's death. If you're open to the idea, look for hospice groups in your area. They have sliding scale counseling rates and also support groups. If you can't afford counseling, they can still hook you up with someone who gets what you're going through, and it will probably be free.

Personally, I think that if you're in a place emotionally where you can't last at a job for more than a few weeks, then that's a sign that you have work to do before you can move forward. There's nothing wrong with that. Grief sucks. Your reaction is normal. You'll be able to move forward better and go harder at those books if you do the emotional work now. Nobody needs to have an emotional breakdown during finals week.

Best of luck.

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