Nephew (21m) is convinced he will never have sex again for reasons and life is ruined

Why? Because I want to be able to show him this thread the next time he starts talking about how he's a "sex addict" (He's not as evidenced by his actions ("Why not hire a hooker then?" "That's illegal!!!1q1")) and how miserable he is (He is, but he's not the victim here).

It's also a bit for myself, since yesterday sucked a lot. This thread was also written on the same day that he tried to tell me that the day was the worst ever for HIM and no one was thinking about HIM and how HE never wanted responsibilities, blah, blah, blah, after I just got back from the hospital where my mother/his grandmother had just been admitted to the emergency room.

I kind of lost it. He said no one was thinking about how rough the day was for him and how he didn't want to be responsible for anything. I told him he was being a whiny selfish asshole and that of all days this was not the time.

He doubled down and said he wanted to die because of this bullshit. I tossed him a knife.

He freaked and then did the usual dance about how he wish he could but he was afraid of hell and it's illegal or some such. I took the knife and held it to my own wrist. He got the phone and was about to call the cops, so I deescalated but honestly I was ready to cut to prove my point: You can't throw that shit around for drama and that bullshit was not going to fly with me.

Still after this, he still wanted to play games about how wanting sex, but not getting is on his terms of the worst(tm). I told him he was being a whiny dick-obsessed self-sabotaging bitch with unrealistic expectations, and that literally no one is going to have sympathy for that story. What followed after that was a long session of calling bullshit on the various excuses he made, the circular logic, inconsistencies, and other bullshit. The last part of this whole thing is to put it out to teh internet and get feedback from the random masses so I can show that other people come to the same conclusion about this shit being stupid, inane, petty, shallow, and pathetic.

This type of stuff is hella atypical from me, but when my mother is literally (she is still there as of writing) in the hospital, zero fucks were given.

/r/Advice Thread Parent