Not Even Once

Yeah, I know a couple of people in real life who are big on making a deal out of the death of every celebrity they have heard of, which seems to be most of them. I am never sure what to say when they tell me, so it's usually, "Oh. That sucks." I remember being hit by Cory Monteith's death, mostly because I pictured what Lea Michele must be going through at that moment. Somebody famous died? It doesn't really matter. You won't enjoy the things they have made less. Even if they had lived they may never have made another thing you would have enjoyed. You were never going to meet or speak or have an actual relationship anyway. But to imagine what their loved ones are going through, especially in a sudden, young death or when they were in a very long term relationship, my heart breaks for those they left behind. I don't know really what his personal life is like, but I heard today that Thom Yorke's ex-partner of 23 years, from whom he split amicably just a couple of years ago, died of cancer a week ago. Didn't hear a peep about her when it happened, but when I saw the little footnote of a linked article at the bottom of one on Carrie Fisher, it hit me a lot harder. You know and love someone for 23 years, their death will never be easy. I feel the same way about "ordinary" people too, though. I'll never really get our culture of celebrity worship, I guess.

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