A note for the authorities

Why would you apologize to the government's goons who voluntarily chose to sign for a job where 20 minutes after dealing with your corpse, could just as easily be called to willingly be the muscle in a suicidality-accusation based psychiatric commitment? You're not talking about people who support your human right to end your life, in fact you're talking to the people who are the muscle in the state's suicide prohibition apparatus.

And you feel sorry for them? You think they'd be writing apology notes to you and feeling sorry for you if they remorselessly arrested you before the act, stuffed you into a squad car at taser-point and carted you off to the local forced drugging psych facility? Give me a break!

I agree with the other comment about the the flash drive shit being bullshit. What is this? 2002? It's called put it on the cloud, two, three, separate cloud storage places if you wish, and have several different timed email services send several emails to the relatives with the username and password.

Good idea doing it a hotel. The note should say nothing but who you are, and who your next of kin is.

Everything else is none of the government's business. The way you distribute your notes to your family members, need not involve these 'authorities' at all.

Box.com is a good cloud storage service, free, and very easy for you to auto-email the username and password to the family or whatnot.

Here's the text of what my note would say:

To the government scum...

My name is (redacted), my next of kin is (redacted), here are their contact details...

Fuck you, I hope you're traumatized by the sight of my corpse, it's the least a citizen can do to pay you back for the violence you've perpetrated throughout your career, locking up other citizens and taking away innocent citizens rights to end their own lives on the pretext of the thought-crime of 'suicidality'.

This is what a citizen exercising their human right to end their own life looks like. If you don't like it, nobody forced you at gunpoint to take this job, unlike you, who does force innocent people at gunpoint to be locked up for daring to commit the victimless crime that I just committed.

Now do your fucking job and call my next of kin. And next time you pat yourself on the back for forcibly stopping a suicide, remember this note.

/r/SanctionedSuicide Thread