Officer killed 3 days ago. Cops come from all over to take his kid trick-or-treating last night.

If you really want to point fingers, take a quick look at the poverty rates of minorities in corelation to crime rates.

No matter what you say, you can't honestly deny that there is a connection. In a primarily white community with a high poverty rates are just as prone to high crime rates, involving violence.

You want to point fingers at people who are meant to keep the peace? That speaks volumes about your ability to reason. Point one at the politicians who perpetuate that status quo.

There are two problems you continue to miss, I will try to make them as clear as possible so you can continue to willfully ignore them in a more ridiculous fashion from here on out.

  1. The wrongs of others do not excuse the wrongs of police. Do you think that there are no bad guys in China or the UK or Germany? Really?

  2. Regardless of how many wrongs are perpetrated by impoverished people, it is necessary to point out that it's not their job to be on the right side of the law. Uniquely it is literally the police officer's job to be on the right side of the law. You know we have three constitutional amendments claiming to guarantee due process?

Anyway, please keep deflecting the argument and blaming other people for police endangering themselves by abusing the public's trust.

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