Ontario makes it illegal to protest outside and near abortion clinics - Canada

this is the video most will show when they want to play victim. Let's examine the language here from the trump side. Also notice the plethora of people standing around anxious to catch some footage of violence.

"What are you going to do bitch?"

This alone....but then.

To a woman

"Come in bitch, I'll treat you like a man, you want equal rights?"

The same voice that not 10 seconds later Turns to "oh no he's bleeding"

They then proceed to taunt and jeer and act surprised when combative and antagonist words lead to actions.

They want "free speech" with impunity.

That's not how life works. You walk into any other social situation and say things like this, you're going to get hit, I personally would have myself and I'm not a normally violent person, but just hearing them spout this crap makes me tense up with anger. If they were in front of me, yes, I would probably hit them as well.

That's because they are trying to antagonize, this is a tactic to distcredit and dehumanize the opposition, people hit people, especially when those people are spouting vile and clearly combative filth. Trump himself has encouraged violence, and trump supporters have also hit people, they are not immune to consequence.

This is victim play, it's Orwellian mind fuck bullshit doublethink. And it's infuriating to say the least.

Free speech applies only to the government, if you are speaking like this to a citizen, then you should be prepared for the consequences. Especially when you are seeking conflict. Violence has been a part of politics since day 1, nobody is innocent, stop acting like it's a clincher or proof of some subhimanity. That's a stupid game that's played to reinforce the psyche of people who know damn well they enable comperably horrible things.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca