SO over Trans Activism and SJW's bullying and harassment.

Not so much destroying what women have as ensuring that everything is equal. Where WRA campaign for women, MRA campaign for gender neutral ideals.

For example, feminists campaign against the exclusion of women. MRA campaign against gender exclusion, itself. That's why they do not create orgs for men.

Where old school gender roles, jobs, and expectations are concerned, there are pros and cons for both genders, and each pro for one is usually a con for the other. Feminists have largely restricted themselves to campaigning against the cons affecting women, and they have been very successful. The result of decades of this is a very broken system full of pros for women, cons for men, and a lot of hidden sexism against women.

Every pro for women must be rationalized, and that means accepting the old school gender roles and expectations to some degree. Each concession becomes another sacrifice that we, as men, are obligated to make on behalf of the weaker sex. It is bullshit, of course, but so is the current state of affairs with respect to gender.

MRA seeks to cut through that BS and tackle the real issues. That necessarily means tearing down a lot of the vestigial benefits of sexism enjoyed by modern women. I mean, yeah there are some jaded, misguided, and sometimes outspoken idiots flying the MRA banner, but that is true of any cause. That's not what MRA is, though. MRA is about finishing what the feminists of old started--what they would have finished themselves had they been a little less selfish and hypocritical.

/r/GenderCritical Thread Parent