Pivoting from a consulting role that’s turned into internal audit

Don’t sweat it. Title inflation is a fact of life now. As long as they pay worthwhile money don’t sweat it. For example:

digital strategy = data migration implementation

digital transformation = implementing vendor products into a data migration

artist = unemployed

hip hop producer = unemployed soundcloud rapper

Starbucks partner = busboy / barista

family = title for 1/3 salary startup hire hoping his options make up for it (they never do)

visionary / thought leader / evangelist / life coach / career coach = unemployed and unemployable loser

McKinsey = implementation house masquerading as strategy house

BCG = mckinsey’s +1

Booz = how could you not, if you work there

Partner = salesman

Senior Manager = majordomo to the salesman

Manager = table wiper

Senior Associate = dishwasher

Associate = janitor

Analyst = in-bathroom attendant

/r/consulting Thread