Plastic garbage in the North Atlantic Ocean skyrocketing: "since 2000, scientists say the occurrence of plastic entanglement on the gear has increased by around ten times."

There is an old engineering saying that goes something like this, "It isn't a problem, if you don't have a solution." It implies that if you aren't prepared with a solution, then whatever the "problem" is, isn't, it is just the way things are done right now.

Collapse news like this seems all about the way things are done. Nothing surprising even, people have been throwing crash overboard, into lakes and rivers and oceans since humans first have trash to dispose of. Doomers seem to just want to whine, and go all slack jawed and googly eyed in horror (prior to driving their truck to work running a diesel powered bulldozer stacking up trash in a landfill, dreaming all the while about jetting off to next week's vacation in Aruba) over...just news..? Weird.

They would be taken more seriously if they argued this as a logical conclusion. Such as, because these are the way things are done, and no one is implementing a solution, that things will just continue this way to their natural endpoint. Strikes me that collapse then isn't all these dumbass news stories about normal and stupid human behavior, but a logical point somewhere in the future where all these "this is how we do things" stories arrive at..viola...the consequences! I know, perhaps a bit too logical for zealots who just want to take some dumbassery like "increased turbulence" and how uncomfortable flight attendants might be and turn it into OH NOES!!! WEEZ ALL GONNA DIE!! but still, some of them still have some non faith based belief brain cells, right?

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