Portland’s Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which refused to bake for lesbian wedding, closes

If the hormone levels are identical and there is nothing mentally wrong then that means it is a choice which is not the narrative being displayed is it? If someone has a mental disorder and murders someone do we treat them the same as someone who does it in their right mind? No. Likewise, even though being gay isn't close to murder, people might be more accepting of someone who can't help it compared to someone who just decided they want to be gay. Each species has deviant behavior. I just want people to admit that yes, I am going against the general natural use of the body and then be done with it. No matter what the body is still made to do one thing. Its not that hard to understand. Also, I don't treat gay people any different its just want people like you want to believe that I do. Because unlike you people who claim that everyone should be shown respect, I do it. I have never used gay slurs. I don't say down with the gays. I don't protest. I treat them like normal people who have a different state of mind that I don't agree with. I might get heated in a discussion but I don't take it into the real world like it seems most people who are on the other side do.

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