Have a question about putting my real age on my dating profiles

This is not just about looks you know. What does a woman in her early 20s have in common with a man who is twice as old?

You could literally be their dad. And with that I mean that the age gap is not just a number but a maturity thing and a cultural thing as well. You come from a different decade than her. You don't speak her generation's 'language'. You will quickly lose touch with each other.

And if you found a girl you really like you'd probably want to skip the decade she would need to get ready for the stuff that a man your age would be ready for. I have seen this up close in my daughter's friend group. The guy was more than ready for a family and pressured his young girlfriend relentlessly because he "didn't want kids when he was in his 50s". You know? Things like that. She gave in. It didn't go well.

And I haven't even brought up the lie. But others have covered that.

/r/polyamory Thread