Questions for SO's and friends of people with DID

I told my husband the same day I met him, but he's the exception to the rule. Mostly I don't tell anyone, or else I tell them when I'm very sure they will still be my friend no matter what.

It's always hard to talk about with everyone except my husband. I still find it very awkward to discuss my alters even with my sister, though she is now my best friend.

What I wish I understood that I didn't know when I was first diagnosed is that this is not a life sentence of craziness. I don't remember anyone ever telling me that having alters doesn't mean you are Sick with a capital S, or that you can't eventually have a perfectly normal life. If you've just found out, this is most likely one of the hardest times of your life, even with everything else you've been through. It just takes some time to get used to, but you will be okay because you're strong.

What I wish my husband understood... well, I guess sometimes I think it would be easier if he had been through any of the same things. Having said that, I wouldn't wish it on anyone; but there are times when he really does not get me or my life because he hasn't experienced it, and then I feel misunderstood and lonely.

/r/DID Thread