/r/circlebroke discusses whether this sub or /r/kotakuinaction is the bigger circlejerk.


Long time lurker, first time poster. (First real post on Reddit too )

I thought I would bring attention to this, and now I am not offended or annoyed by this. The issue at hand is about the moderator /u/cordis_melum . Being an avid history geek and a fan of objectivity (and with recent focus on gender issues) I find it problematic that /u/cordis_melum is moderating this sub because /u/cordis_melum is clearly heavily invested in the gender debate, which I'm sure many of us appreciate. However, Cordis_melum is moderating a long list of controversial gender subs. I will list them:

/r/againstmensrights /r/FemmeThoughts /r/FemmeThoughtsFeminism /r/AskStrawFeminists /r/MRMorWhiteRights /r/notallmen /r/TheRealMisandry /r/thankyoupatriarchy /r/AMRMythos /r/antiegalitarian /r/Indignation /r/OperationDarkHorse

While it is totally alright to have political views and still discuss history I still think that there must be a reasonable limit to how passionate you are about a certain topic and still be able to maintain objectivity in a historical context. The following example is to clarify my point.

The only times when Cordis_Melum has deleted comments in threads it has only been in a gender related thread:

http://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/2869u1/in_rassassinscreed_bad_gender_history_concerning/ci8aeu5? context=3


This is the most problematic:

http://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/27b4fl/the_achievements_of_female_pioneers_are/chzeimd?context=3 Notice how the parent comment clearly mentions a topic related to modern politics and issues, however against mens rights (/u/Cordis_melum is a moderator of /r/againstmensrights). It is not deleted, but the reply to the comment is even though both comments violate R2. One being of the opinion of Cordis_melum, the other isn't.)



This is a bonus, but in /r/AskHistorians, Cordis_melum constructs a timeline of changes in chinese political history entirely based off a book about womens role in the chinese revolution.

I hope the examples will speak for themselves as it is something I've noticed over the short time I've been hanging around. What is you guys' take on this?

To clarify: /u/cordis_melum, I really appreciate your work here on the sub and you're one of my favourite mods. Your tone makes me smile. I hope you wont take this personal. I just have a history thing that I need out.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread Link - np.reddit.com