We’re journalists at a Sinclair news station. We’re pissed.

You're close, but actually, my point is that while for these journalists, the water is just starting to feel warm, for others more vulnerable than them, the water is pretty damn close to boiling.

As I replied to yet another commenter who accuses me of being some whiner on the sidelines with no skin in the game...

  • Trump has delegitimized the legal identities of American citizens like Judge Curiel merely for having Mexican blood, and people ate it up.

  • He smeared Khizr Khan for being Muslim and people ate it up.

  • He insisted that the Central Park Five should still be executed despite having been found innocent and people ate it up.

  • He ranted about Shithole Countries who "all have AIDS" and people ate it up.

  • He foments hatred against immigrants through propaganda like The Snake and the weekly "Immigrant Crime List" published by the administration. And people eat it up.

  • He all but danced on the graves of over a thousand Puerto Ricans, and exploited the lives of DACA recipients, who are still being held hostage over wall funding, which he is now trying to force through the military. And people eat it up.

  • He pardoned Joe Arpaio, who put immigrants both undocumented AND naturalized, into what he himself described as "Concentration Camps". And people eat it up.

  • He has attempted to punitively interfere with the medical care of immigrants, and looks the other way on the dozens of abuses that ICE has inflicted on detainees. And people eat it up.

  • He has started to de-naturalize legal immigrants through Operation Janus, and is trying to imposing mandatory deportation quotas on judges, who will hold trials against immigrants including small children, without attorneys. And people eat it up.

  • He has mobilized the national guard to pursue immigrants at the border, and is now making a play to turn our news media into a state propaganda machine.

And he still sits at 40% approval rating - an approval rating which only seems to fall when he doesn't get to steer the conversation back to bashing immigrants.

So forgive me for being alarmist, forgive me for being unsympathetic, forgive me, I guess, for being selfish, but from where I'm standing, there actually isn't nearly as much time left as people think.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - vox.com