A recent article reviewed by Science Alert claims that a "Study says that men are more narcissistic than women" and "Especially when it comes to entitlement."

But is that what the review actually looked at? I haven't gone through all of the studies that this paper reviewed, but it looked like the narcissistic traits were divided rather than paired with each other. For example, narcissism itself was divided into what it called "NPI facets" - like grandiosity, vulnerability, and leadership ability. Even in the context of this paper, it wouldn't be fair to say men are more narcissistic than women across the board, since some of those facets showed no gender differences while others did. In the comment above I was mainly talking about leadership ability, which had the second highest gender difference.

Examples of L/A items include, “I would prefer to be a leader,” and, “I like having authority over people.” A gender difference in L/A would be consistent with results showing that men are more motivated than are women to obtain managerial roles (d .22; Eagly, Karau, Miner, & Johnson, 1994) and that men are more likely to emerge as leaders (d .32; Eagly & Karau, 1991). In fact, leader stereotypes are linked to both agency and masculinity, but there is a mismatch between leader stereotypes and stereotypes of women (see Koenig, Eagly, Mitchell, & Ristikari, 2011; Powell & Butterfield, 1979; Schein, 1973). As mentioned previously, leadership ability is a prescriptive trait for men (representing a consensual belief about how men ought to behave), but it is not a prescriptive trait for women (Rudman et al., 2012b, p. 168).

I looked at the items that marked L/A as listed in the review for the four studies. They were all things that I would expect a leader to have, meaning positive traits. Answering these questions positively, even outside of the scope of entitlement would point to narcissism.

paired with, say, an unreasonable desire for special treatment or expectations that others will admire them.

This is a separate NPI facet from leadership, it is entitlement.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread