Reddit bans misogynist community as part of anti-violence crackdown.

Yes! Male equivalence comment, that's what I was after.

Remember when the all the Weinstein stuff was coming out, and there were multiple front page posts about men who were sexually assaulted as grown men? Usually I can get a lot of news from Reddit front page, but for the high-profile sexual assault stories, they haven't been a priority.

Also whenever a r/TwoXChromosomes post gets to the front page, there are usually top-rated comments that's say, "I don't usually like this sub, but for once they have a point." When do people say that about any other sub that makes it to the front page? I don't even read this sub much (though I should), and it pisses me off. Grrr.

Oh, and thanks, random redditor, for letting me be one of your "bro's," but you only have a roughly 50% chance, at least globally speaking, that I'm a dude. I'm not saying it's offensive so much as it is stupid.

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