Reddit users with siblings born significantly later, 10-15 ish years after you. What kind of relationship do you have with them?

My oldest brother is 8 years older, which is enough that we didn't really share a childhood. He hung out with my other siblings and I occasionally up until I was maybe 7, even then my memories are mostly him taking advantage of us (getting us to do work for him, cheating at games, etc.).

We kept in touch I guess out of a sense of obligation for many years. I'm 30 now. I spoke to him once in the past 3 years I think. I don't really plan on keeping in touch with him. We don't really have a relationship, it's kind of like an acquaintance who you have a lot in common with (i.e. same parents and siblings).

But he's occasionally been a real dick to me and treating me disrespectfully as a younger brother. I don't really put up with that shit in my personal life and I don't know if he realizes how it carries over, I doubt he treats people he knows that way. It's enough to where I don't want to talk to him anymore, no point trying to form a relationship with someone who always sees you as beneath them.

/r/AskReddit Thread