Roads are super icy in NC tonight. Hitesh's gas station closes at 10, but he's keeping it open all night so that I and a young mom traveling with 4 kids have a safe place to stay during the storm. I'd be freezing in my car right now if it weren't for Hitesh.

LOO. Let's break this shit down because you're clearly misinterpreting the point of... well, everything.

Default subs are a high-level view into the site not chosen for quality content but for accessibility and to highlight the varied options available to you.

This post is a textbook example of tyranny of the majority.

Absolutely. There are a hundred-million unique visitors, there are no special snowflakes here. You of all people don't have a say but you do get to create or join any number of subs specializing in high-quality pics that suit your needs. This sub is the most generic, accessible imageboard on the entire site. Its entire purpose is to be an easily-digested, catch-all aggregator for pics. That's it.

rule-breaking bullshit.

So what's funny about whining about vapid, ignorant users breaking rules is it's completely not against the rules. So much so that the first action i've seen the mods do in this sub in forever is to add filters specifically so content like this can continue while giving those with such delicate sensibilities a way to hide them.

And yet, this is currently the #1 post on /r/shitpost with nearing 300 points.

Cool! Now this is a sub specifically for the niche users who want to focus on shit they don't care about, just to bitch. Some people enjoy that and everyone's free to join communities that align with their preferences. See, you're getting it!

If you honestly think a generic photo with a likely fabricated sob-story is quality material you are part of the problem

Lol no, it's a generic imageboard. You couldn't find a name more generic than "pics." No one is here for quality material. They're here for quickly consumable entertainment in a catch-all fashion. Probably while they shit.

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