Is Sanders’ agenda really carrying an $18 trillion price tag or are these totals “significantly exaggerated”? Reality clearly leans in the Vermonter’s direction.

So we hand our money to the government. That's always the answer. Why stop at healthcare? Couldn't we do the same with groceries? Those are getting expensive too! Why not just send money to the government and receive some program back for our food? We could just send 99% of our paychecks to the govt and receive programs for everything! Seriously, doesn't anyone see this is the wrong direction?

So what you're referring to here is an example of pure socialism (near communism, what Bernies health care plan would be democratic socialism.

This kind of thing is still put to a vote, and debated forever. Which is why is considered democratic socialism, it has roots in socialism but the people control the outcome through votes\debate. You're really extreme examples would not happen suddenly, it would take fooooorever.

At it's core the concept of insurance is literally socialism anyway. Think about your auto insurance, everybody throws money into a bowl and when you have an accident you pull from the bowl to fix you're car. Everybody pays in to it for that reason, so that you dont have to pay thousands on your own. ( i work in insurance, that's literally how it works, thats what your premium is)

So when you think about it, the bigger the bowl for insurance, the cheaper your rates will be. That's why it makes more sense for healthcare to be federally monitored instead of privately, if everybody paid into one fund instead of a thousand different ones, rates would plummet, thats the point.

Anyway, it makes sense for insurance to have a socialistic bent because that's how its structured anyway. Those other examples you mention differ wildly fundamentally, and would be pretty much laughed out of the senate for that reason.

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