Sanders: My Message Is Clearly Resonating Since Hillary Keeps ‘Echoing’ It

nonsense like "I'm voting for Trump over Hillary!"

It may be nonsense to you but you should respect other people's views and opinions.

I'm if anything sick of constantly being talked down to because I'd prefer Trump over Hillary, I'm probably far more educated on both their policies and histories than most people who feel the need to tell me how I should vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination.

But that's the entire point. I'm supporting Sanders because I am passionately against the level of corruption that plagues the government, in my eyes, Hillary is the real villain of this election cycle, she's a political powerhouse that has a lot of leverage with the people responsible for letting the world's economy go to shit, she has demonstrated how unashamedly and blatantly corrupt she is and half the time doubles down on her actions of feigns idiocy over the issue ("what, like with a cloth or something?").

Hillary isn't leader material, she's plagiarised her platform, has attacked Sanders in numerous ways that aren't honest or legitimate, she spreads propaganda, encourages dirty tactics amongst her supporters and is backed by the openly corrupt DNC headed by none other than DWS who is Clinton Lite herself who thinks its acceptable that the Democratic party have a means of undemocratically favouring a candidate for the nomination.

The entire system is fucked up well beyond a lot of people's comprehension and I'd rather vote in a guy who gets in trouble a lot for speaking his mind than a candidate who lies through her teeth, pretends to care about issues she doesn't, constantly changes her stances, her allegiances and her views, considers herself a revisionist historian (apparently being pro LGBT for 3 years makes you their champion) or wants to run for no reason other than that she feels she deserves it.

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