Scary, but true.

Literally no one disagrees with you there.

It's all the stupid other shit you said.

Like arguing that there was no evidence. Wrong.

Or like arguing that Mueller could've prosecuted but chose not to. Wrong.

Or like arguing that congress wasn't doing anything. Wrong.

All stupid fucking wrong points from a stupid wrong person.

Now you're acting dumb like we were talking about something entirely different so you can save face, and only making yourself look stupider in the process.

You may as well be asking me if the whitehouse is white, then trying to be smug if I say yes. It's really pathetic.

How sad do you have to be to keep coming back to a conversation where you know you're just making a fool of yourself?

Ah well. Enjoy whatever dumb shit you have to say after this! No one will be reading it. :)

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