Since we're talking Torb and Console Changes, can we please fix the aiming first?

Console patch notes, apparently:

-Gamepad Controls -Players can now swap the left and right sticks on a control pad -"Legacy" controls option has been added: -Left stick up/down moves forward/backward -Left stick left/right turns left/right -Right stick up/down aims up/down (these can be inverted) -Right stick left/right strafes left/right -Sticks can also be switched -Improved dead-zone controls, giving players increased accuracy during off-center and diagonal stick movement -Added an option to adjust Aim Assist strength (defaults to full strength) -Players can now configure the user interface display area (Go to Options > Video > Display Margin) Miscellaneous -"Weapons" section added to the Hero Gallery -Added McCree as an AI hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes -Disabled "Avoid This Player" functionality and removed option from the game UI -Developer Comments: The "Prefer"/"Avoid" player system was designed with the best intentions; however, it's not currently performing in a way that we feel is healthy for the game. While the "Prefer This -Player" option is more or less working as intended (and is thus still enabled), the "Avoid This Player" option has impacted the matchmaker in negative way and led to some very poor player experiences across the board. Although we like the idea of being able to say "hey, I'd prefer not to play with this person," the implementation of the mechanic is not where it needs to be. We're still looking at ways to iterate and improve upon features that empower players to reduce toxicity and harassment in their games; we just want to be sure these features don't accidentally punish positive community members as a side-effect.

/r/Overwatch Thread