As someone who may not have the most self respect. I'm extremely proud of myself.

I had plans last November 29 to go help at my volunteer job at the time, and my then-boyfriend said that he would meet me at this place so we could go to his great-aunt's 90th birthday party. Sure, why not? When that date came, it was snowing and freezing outside, so I decided not to go to that volunteer job, so I let people know. That day, my boyfriend decided that he HAD to give his client's computer back to her after working on it for a few days here. (he's a self-employed technology repair-person)

So since I wasn't going to my volunteer job because of the winter conditions, he said that I should just wait for him in the car while he returned this computer. I didn't know that it would take an entire HOUR to do that, since I thought the computer was fixed already. (he had said that he'd ask his client if I could come in, but was too fixated on his precious image in front of people to do that...) As the darkness encroached (since it was 5-6 PM), I was freezing in the car. When he FINALLY decided to go back to the car, he blamed me for not sticking to my original plans, because he would have been on time then. I did not believe him.

He did ask whether I was okay, and then said that he should have checked on me earlier, but had "forgotten" that the sun went down at 5 PM. However, we then discovered that my door was frozen shut. That made us really late to the birthday dinner since his dad apparently decided that my boyfriend shouldn't waste time by boiling water on the stove, but we should go downtown to his own apartment complex to spray water from the underground parking lot's hoses on the car door to see if that did anything. THE WATER WAS ALMOST BOILED! (apparently) That was when I knew I had to get out of that relationship.

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