Sorry this needs to be said...

BC Bud was just any weed grown in BC really. There wasn't a particular strain that was "BC Bud". Certain strains grew better in certain regions through breeding. Years ago all the BC Bud was outta Slocan Valley, well that's because I live within Uncle Rico throwing distance of the Slocan Valley and that's all I knew and heard. But to my surprise, my cousins in Van always talked about BC Bud from the Island.... Ever watch The Wire. It was probably all just branding. Red Top, get your Red Top.

I figure, BC Bud was basically strains that were bred to grow in certain areas and those areas were in BC, and those areas were more sparsely populated and rustic to allow grow ops in the bush, and that's all they shared in common. OP is an idiot, who also lives in the Okanagan... So they're probably not an decades old connoisseur, but a weed hipster that laments on a mythical strain that never actually existed the way they "remember it".

All I know about weed these days is, I love the variety and that it's all legal. I'd sacrifice BC Bud to the depths of hell to get what we have now. Looking forward to when shrooms hit the market.

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