Do most companies in BC abuse of the probation period to maintain cheap labor?

The whole premise of your post you don't seem like you're actually looking for an answer. You're telling everyone why it's happening, and you're 100% confident you're right...

But you keep getting fired.

I do hiring and firing. The people we've had to fire all share one common denominator: They have zero self-awareness. They always think they're doing great. Meanwhile you can feel the air get sucked out of a room the minute they walk into it. It's like every single person but them can tell.

I can see from your post history you have strong opinions on a wide variety of topics. I'm going to assume you don't mind sharing those opinions loudly and often. I also assume you're the type that talks far more than he listens based on your replies to this thread. You really don't think you're doing anything wrong? You've been fired 6 times. How many times do you think most people get fired in a lifetime? I'll give you a hint. It's less than that. A lot less. I know there's a 95% chance I'm just wasting my time sharing anything here, but it's cathartic to at least try:

Shut your mouth. Stop talking to people at work. Stop sharing your ideas online. Listen. Really listen to the people around you. Observe. Put your head down and work. Stop being "polite", chances are people think you're condescending. Stop bringing in coffee. Stop being 15 minutes early. Show up. Shut up. Do your job.

Or just keep thinking you're the smartest guy in the room and keep getting fired. You're not. But you also lack the self-critical skills to examine why. It's the worst kind of Catch-22, and it'll probably take getting super pissed off, or some sort of Oh I'll show you, shaking your fist at the sky moment to ever actually change anything... So here's hoping you are actually pissed off. I really hope you're thinking fuck this random guy on the internet, he doesn't know anything about me, and I'm gonna prove him wrong

Good luck.

/r/britishcolumbia Thread