South Carolina State Rep. will introduce bill to remove Confederate flag

I don't understand this situation. Is this something that has always bothered people? I understand that not everyone myself included particularly "likes" the confederate flag but is taking down a confederate flag really that important? One would think after this event there would be different goals in mind. So far the common theme amongst the reports has been to brand the shooting as a terrorist attack which is inherently flawed as there are no parties that have been terrorized. There is no fear in the Black community because of this man's actions. The only fear this punk brought has been to a few rednecks worried about their flag waving in front of a building. I've also seen lots of people extrapolating this event to all whites in America - that we're inherently flawed and oppressive and need to change. What the actual fuck is going on. So many white people are overly political correct in fear of criticism. I'm in Canada at the moment and the cashier today said that Americans were animals. The only actual racism I've been engaged in has been to my fault. Asian groups think you're dumb, Blacks make fun of your speech and behaviors as "white" or "cracker". I've read plenty of CLEAR evidence of racism against these groups. It exists. But these 24/7 media outlets want people to believe this racism is ever present. It's in every minority's daily life.

This is something I share to people to help illustrate this previous point. There are police officers stationed at high schools, sometimes multiple at some of the bigger facilities. At this particular school I see the confusion on student's faces when they walk around to the parking lot and bus area as they walk past these officers. It's impossible to not feel the tension there nowadays. The thing is, these guys are super friendly. They wouldn't even thing about hurting one of these kids, Black/White/whatever. But everyone is fed this shit that there's racism everywhere, that racial tensions are bad. It's just wrong.

Are there racist people in this country? Yes. Are we going to pretend there are only racist white people? And that these people are in abundance? Ready to strike and kill all Blacks?

News stations must have gotten bored turning every single mass shooting into a gun control debate. Terrorism and obsession over a flag? If the confederate flag flying in front of that building is such a huge symbol of racial oppression in modern America and taking it down will help solve any believed "racial tensions" then take it the fuck down. It changes nothing. Maybe it appeases some media executive.

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