I spent a combined 8 months in Rykers Island jail and Los Angeles county jail. The penal system in this country is violent, corrupt, and destroying lives. I need to tell my story. Ask me anything.

The court says he's paid his debt to society. Parole officers, judges, lawyers, wardens, people who do this for a living, people who have degrees and are experts in these matters. I'm not an expert on felon rehabilitation, I pay taxes and vote and through those means i put my faith in the system, that people with more knowledge than I have will get the job done. If they say he's paid his debt, in my mind he's paid his debt. Now if you believe he hasn't, that's up to you, but you discriminating against him and treating him like shit is you extending his punishment, what is your expertise in the field? What gives you the right to continue to punish him when the people who do this all day every day say he's paid his debt. Who are you to add to his debt? Do you feel that you have the right to dole out vigilante justice, which in your case is defined as "dissatisfaction with justice"? Do you have higher degrees than the judges in these cases? What have you done that awards you more of authority on the subject than judges? As a citizen, I don't pay taxes to fund your brand of justice, I can't remember you winning an electron either. Now, you're free to use your freedom of speech in any way you feel, and if discrimination and name calling is how you choose to excersize your speech they do your thing, but don't act like it's approved by everyone. You don't represent my family or my interests when you act that way. I believe in love and forgiveness, discrimination does nothing but make it harder for people to reintegrate into society. Your words, your discrimination and your biases do nothing positive for your town or your neighbours. They only make you feel good. If prison didn't yeah them their lesson, your name calling and discrimination sure isn't going to do it. I do not know you or OP beyond reading your posts here today, that being said, from what I've read, OP today seems like a more sensible caring human than you, and he stabbed someone. I'd grab a beer with him, but not with you.

/r/IAmA Thread Parent