The state of this sub right now:

I agree. And I get what you mean... Not saying that these people don't have legit relationship issues, many of them do... But it's often not a dead bedroom. A lot of people date someone for a little while and as soon as the sex slows down assume they have a dead bedroom.

A dead bedroom is where YEARS or DECADES go by and your partner hasn't been intimate. A dead bedroom is NOT getting sex a few times a month. A dead bedroom also does damage that lasts even after you leave, for years.

Mine was over a decade, with the last 8 years completely sexless, and no intimacy either. After I finally left, I was really dysfunctional... Even in a new relationship with a man who wants me all the time, I had trouble initiating after so many years of rejection. I didn't even know how to function anymore and I needed a lot of therapy. Things are better now and I have a healthy relationship, but I'm even still affected from time to time.

A lot of people don't realize what a dead bedroom actually is.

/r/DeadBedrooms Thread