Story Time - Week of November 09, 2015

Okay so I met this girl on Tinder about two months ago shortly after I broke up with my long term girlfriend. I was having a house party and I simply invited her to come over because why not. She isn't the most attractive and not really my type (didn't really look like her pictures) so that kind of got me on a sour note but at the same time she was really cool so I didn't have a problem. So me and her kind of hit it off pretty well and she ends up spending the night. We played around but didn't have sex but I wasn't going to front on it.

So essentially when she came to the party she came with her friend who ended up getting with my housemate and my housemate really liked her friend more than i liked her. Obviously I wanted to see this girl again we had a fun night but I wasn't falling for her or anything. So essentially she invited herself over later that week because she couldn't take a hint but we had a fun time together granted and I enjoyed it. However things took a turn for the worse when we were fooling around and I straight up asked, "Do you want to have sex?" and she said no.

So basically she laid it on the line she didn't want to have sex with me because I could just use for sex and never talk to her again and that has happened to her before or something like that so essentially she wanted to be in a relationship before we had sex which is understandable you do you. However I told her I just came out of a really long relationship so I'm not looking to jump into another one right away so please respect that too. So essentially it became really awkward and when she left that night it was painfully awkward.

So she ended up coming around again the next week with her friend so it was going to be the four of us (me + her, my housemate + her friend) and we were going to hang out or get dinner or something. I know it seems like I'm a bit of a pig because I really lost a lot of interest when she didn't want to have sex but all in all I didn't want a relationship and just kind of wanted to have a fling which is understandable. So the four of us went out to dinner and it was nice but I tried my best to let all of my ADHD out so she would just not want to continue this and I wouldn't have to be the bad guy. While she wasn't too fond of my ADHD she still came back over we hardly fooled around and when she asked me if she can spend the night I said no I want to be alone...

So the next two or so weeks passed and she would text me and stuff and I would respond but I wouldn't make any plans with her. The hard part was my housemate invited her to a house party we were having Halloween so she knew that was happening and was probably going to come with her friend my housemate was having a thing with. So essentially I knew that I probably just had to hold onto talking to this girl for a little while longer. So the day before the party she texts me asking me if she can spend the night in advance so she can drink or something but says she has a friends house down the street so she can stay there. I essentially told her some bullshit about me having mood swings and that I can't tell what mood I'm going to be in tomorrow so don't count on drinking and sleeping here. Once again I have been biting the bullet with this girl for the past two weeks for my friend. So basically we come to the conclusion she's going to come here and we are both going to do our own thing and if our paths cross they do if not they don't. P.S. I get a drunk text from her the night before at 2:30 a.m. saying, "I wish you were here with me."

So this girl shows up to my house at around 10 on Halloween with a different friend not the one my housemate is with so I'm just like fuck I bit the bullet for nothing. I kind of eat dinner while she is there and the party is going on because it is my house and I can do what the fuck I want (BTW kind of important: these are never my initial parties they are one of my housemates and I can just invite people) so I kind of ignore her for a little bit. We talk and stuff but there is no kindle what so ever there. She texts me multiple times that night like "If you weren't going to talk to me I wouldn't have even come" or "why didn't you tell me you were going to be on snapchat and tinder all night (this is a lie I was just on my phone)" so I'm just like jeez louise.

Essentially I know I fucked up because I led this girl on too long and was too nice to really tell her I didn't want anything out of this because at the end of the day she was a really nice girl. I guess the problem was that she wasn't looking for a no feelings fling and I kind of was and when I knew I couldn't get that out of her I really lost interest. But granted I'm a dude coming out three years of a relationship (two girlfriends back to back) so I'm not really trying to get emotionally attached right away and it wasn't even like I just wanted to have sex and she denied me sex so I didn't want her anymore. It was kind of with the texting and stuff and trying to get me jealous where I could tell she had feelings for me and wanted something more out of this than "Netflix and Chilling" every now and then.

So in conclusion at the party she had her friend talk to me a little bit and we spoke and I kind of laid down what I wanted nicely. The girl spoke to me bitched out at me for like 30 minutes and proceeded to drunk drive from my house back home and hasn't texted me since. Apparently she told my housemate that she had really fell for me and it was hard when I told her I didn't want the same things back. At this point her friend told me I could have sex with her but I really didn't want to do it because of the emotional attachment she would have had.

TL;DR: I basically didn't tell a girl that I wasn't interested in, that I wasn't interested in her to help out a friend trying to get with her friend. Essentially led to a dramatic confrontation at my house.

/r/Tinder Thread