Stupid is as stupid does.

I saw this on /r/all -> rising. I don't want to be an asshole but I'm you're probably going to think I am. I wonder what's the point of taking the time to write a post about Tony?

I mean you could say "what's the point of taking the time to write a comment about this post?" I can give you an answer to both questions.

The reason I'm commenting is because I feel like I know something. I know what is actually going on and I am compelled to give my opinion. I know nothing about you or Tony or Rich but I feel like I know everything.

Rich may or may not be a good guy. From your perspective he is doing exactly what he should be doing: responding to a volatile situation in a calm manner. I can't see Rich. I can't see the expression on his face, his body language, or the tone of his voice so I must take your word for it.

Tony is a classic alcoholic. He is a "guido" in your words. As you describe him I already know that I do not like him. I know people like him and I will do everything I can to avoid them. I am an alcoholic and truly it takes one to know one.

What I don't know is what is going on with Tony. So far I'm not worried about Rich. He seems to be able to handle himself and you do also. You're just observing. I just wonder if Tony is on the wrong track. Is he really just an asshole? Is he past help? I mean obviously he shouldn't be allowed into your bar. He shouldn't be allowed into any bar.

Should we write Tony off? He's not our problem and that's understood. But is there even a tiny amount of any kind of respect that should, or might even, help to turn him around?

/r/TalesFromYourServer Thread