Tips For How To Interact With An Extremely Religious Parent

It sounds to me like you are still living at home with your parents. If so, my advice is to "fake it til you make it". At the very least, going to mass (if only once a week even) will keep your dad more chilled out. Once you move out of the house, you can do as you please with your Sunday morning. Your dad may nag you year after year, Christmas after Christmas, to go to mass or confessional. He may even pull the "all I want for Christmas is my children to be in church" thing. At least this is what my dad did a few times.

Eventually, my dad came around. I'm 29 and haven't gone to church in years. I haven't stepped foot in their church since my early 20s. My dad eventually stopped nagging my brother and I to go to church or do a bible study every time we came to visit.

We aren't very close today, but we still talk sometimes and it's really nice because we don't argue anymore. He seems to finally understand that speaking about religion and politics are off the table if we want to have an amicable relationship.

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