There are two sides to every battle

Hmm, It's funny that after you made your comment every other comment under this submission was downvoted. You're one of those people who downvotes every other comment to make your comment more visable and more likely to attract upvotes aren't you?

For those who aren't aware these vote abusing karma whores can usually be spotted when you scroll down and see a lot of comments that are at a "0" vote score and few to none at "1". See in every thread there are at least some comments that just don't attract any attention, just little comments or questions that are destined to say at "1" karma point and not get any votes or replies for whatever reason. When you see all these comments consistency downvoted by 1 point that means someone went through and dowvoted them all. Now usually these are uncontroversial comments and typically there is only 1 reason to go through and downvote them all. They do this so when they make their comment even though it starts at "1" karma point it will already be on top of all those other comments that now have "0" karma because they downvoted them.

You can then find the karma whore by comparing the times and scores and see who commented directly after all the neutral "1" point comments were downvoted to "0" and then after the karma whore comments they usually leave the comment section and don't bother to come back and downvote all the new uninteresting "1" point neutral comments.

So if you see everyone who posted before 10:00 consistently got downvoted and it is not obvious on why, then someone posted at 10:05 and did not get downvoted (...and especially if the comment is a quick worthless joke or Reddit reference or otherwise a quick jab meant to grab karma rather than contribute to a legitimate discussion, you know the kind of comments that typically get over 1,000 upvotes, and was made by a karma whore "power user"), and then after 10:06 suddenly the uninteresting neutral comments get to stay at "1" point and aren't downvoted down to "0", that likely signifiies that you have a vote abusing karma whore on you're hands.

These karma whores post the same old internet meme cliches so they get fake internet points to feed their ego and they don't care if they trample over your discussion to do so. Oh, were you one of the first commenters? Did this picture change your life? Did you just want to ask a question to find out more information on this picture and hopefully get a discussion going regarding it? Oh that's to bad, because now it is 25 mins later and your relevant comment has "0" karma and is down at the bottom beneath 112 other comments from people accusing eachother of having facial hair on their neck, making back to the future references, and and coming up with new ways to say that there is now coffee or some other drink spit and spilled on their personal devices.

/r/pics Thread Link -