Is there polygamyin heaven?

Church Handbook of Instructions Book 1, Section 8- Temples and Marriages):

Sealing of a Husband and Wife

Living Women

A living woman may be sealed to only one husband. If she is sealed to a husband and later divorced, she must receive a cancellation of that sealing from the First Presidency before she may be sealed to another man in her lifetime (see "Applying for a Cancellation of Sealing or a Sealing Clearance" on this page).

Deceased Women

A deceased woman may be sealed to all men to whom she was legally married during her life. However, if she was sealed to a husband during her life, all her husbands must be deceased before she can be sealed to a husband to whom she was not sealed during life.

Living Men

If a husband and wife have been sealed and the wife dies, the man may have another woman sealed to him if she is not already sealed.

If a husband and wife have been sealed and later divorced, the man must receive a sealing clearance from the First Presidency before another woman may be sealed to him (see "Applying for a Cancellation of Sealing or a Sealing Clearance" on this page). A sealing clearance is necessary even if the previous sealing has been canceled.

Deceased Men

A deceased man may have sealed to him all women to whom he was legally married during his life if they are deceased or if they are living and not sealed to another man.

Applying for a Cancellation of Sealing or a Sealing Clearance

When a woman has been sealed and divorced, she may apply for a cancellation of the previous sealing. The bishop and stake president submit an Application to the First Presidency form to seek this cancellation.

When a man has been divorced from a woman who was sealed to him and is worthy and prepared to have another woman sealed to him, he may apply for a sealing clearance. The bishop and stake president submit an Application to the First Presidency form to seek this clearance.

The Application to the First Presidency form is available from the Office of the First Presidency in the United States and Canada. It is available from the Area Presidency in other areas. Instructions are on the form. The stake president should not submit it until the divorce is final and all legal issues relating to the divorce have been resolved.

Removing a Restriction against Temple Sealing

If a person who has been sealed to a spouse commits adultery, he or she may not be sealed to the partner in the adultery unless:

  1. The President of the Church authorizes the sealing as part of his action on an application for cancellation of sealing or sealing clearance, or
  2. The restriction against such a sealing is thereafter lifted by the President of the Church. A couple who desire the lifting of the restriction so they can be sealed may seek an interview with their bishop and stake president. If these leaders feel to recommend removal of the restriction, they may write separate or joint letters to the First Presidency, summarizing their recommendations and commenting on the applicants' temple worthiness and the stability of their marriage for at least five years. The couple should also write a letter of request to the First Presidency. The stake president should submit all of these letters to the First Presidency.
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