TIL that dreaming of lions biting you can be interpreted as needing to shed toxic relationships.

Interesting. I shed my toxic family years ago thanks to a very powerful dream connected to the memories of my childhood.

One day on the farm a tornado dropped down and headed right at us. Our dad yelled at us to get inside and we ran to the front door but our crazy-psycho-bitch stepmother locked the door on us and told us to use the back door so we wouldn't track mud through the house and as we ran around the house a branch from a tree swooshed in between my brother and sister, which could have impaled them, and smacked the house. As I turned around the corner I saw our cherry tree get torn from it's roots and lifted in the air about a foot and then it was hurled twenty feet into our peach tree. And then we got inside. And then, for the next 15 years or so, I would have these dreams where I am home on the farm, it's a nice sunny day and then, oh shit, here comes a tornado and I can't move and it is going to kill me. I dream this over and over again until I finally realize how toxic my entire family is and I cut them off from my life and I stopped having those dreams.

So, I woke up tonight from a dream that I can't recall ever having and I think it has to be 5am. Nope, 12:30 and I'm wide awake.

In the dream, I think I'm in Scotland or England because of the accents, one dwarf farmer who showed me his spring and went into great detail about it and the rolling hills with old stone fences. I don't really know where I'm at, but I can tell it's early fall because most of the plants are dead but the weather is still mild enough to wear light clothing. But, for some reason, I'm going to different farms and I'm enjoying the settlements. While riding on a back of a pick up truck I see a deer walking through dead cornstalks and I admire the beauty of the sound and sight of.. a deer walking through dead cornstalks to whoever is riding with me in the back of a pickup truck and out of the corner of my eye I see a lion coming after me, he jumps into the truck, bites my left flank and I pull out of the dream, things get swirly and I'm in the back of a truck in a cornfield and I see this huge, blond bison with very long horns and I delight in the sight of it and then I see a deer walking through cornstalks and I talk to my companion about the fond hunting memories that I have and then out of the corner of my eye there is a fucking lion and it jumps into the truck and bites my left flank. And then I wake up.

I think it has to do with a power struggle that I've been dealing with for a few years and as a result of this struggle I have noticed that I am quick to get aggressive. Anger levels are exceedingly high some times. And that's not really me. In life, I'm more like the Dude where I just want everyone to be chill and live for a good laugh instead of anguishing over lies and misdeeds.

But I don't need anyone to interpret this lion dream for me; I know exactly what it's about and who I am in a power struggle with. It's... been a game of chess. I've taken out a few pawns, I used some of their pawns to trap a knight, I've captured one of their knights, a bishop and I took out their queen. It's politics, if you must know, a game of words and political maneuvers.

Thanks for listening, dream pleasantly!

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - dreamstop.com