Tonight might be the night

I can’t eat food anymore it just makes me sick. I took medicines once but I gave up on that because the problem is just that I’m weak and horrible. Medicine can’t fix that. I tried medicine and then I quit it. I am secretly stashing it away so I can just take it all at once. I don’t drink coffee or tea and I don’t allow myself to have anything except my rations once every few days at the most. I sleep on the floor because I have nothing. I have no friends. Maybe I should shoot myself in the mouth. I see some things around my apartment that I can use as rope too. It’s nice because since I started starving myself my kidneys began hurting which is good because they failed a few years ago. So I might not be that far now. Plus I miss my family as they are all gone and I can join them soon, as I have nothing left for me here

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