The touchy subject of when to leave...

It's the internet. I don't see the need to take everything on here so seriously. I like this place over SDN because everybody over there has a stick up their ass and basically kisses ass to all the ADCOM members. Huge delusional circle-jerk, imo. If you can't grow a pair (metaphorically speaking my ladies) and get some thick skin, then maybe you shouldn't face reality because shit's real out there. Not everyone needs to be nice to you and you will have to learn that shit might rub you the wrong way.

Since when did feeling uncomfortable about what someone says become a fucking dick measuring contest of who gets butthurt the most? I read shit that offends me all the fucking time. Boo-fucking-hoo. To be fair, those who get admitted DO actually have the knowhow to get into medical school. They are literally living fucking proof. They cracked the code. Their app worked and complied with the mystical logarithm that is medical school acceptance. Let them fucking gloat. Who cares? You can remove threads from your screen by a simple click of your mouse. Do it if you have to. Apparently some people have lived in Disney-esque bubbles all their entire fucking lives and have never met another human being. People are arrogant. People are rude. People can be rough around the edges. Deal with it.

/r/premed Thread