Trump administration will put steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico and the EU

Nice tactical retreat, please address the point that Elizabeth Warren, a liberal lion and Dana Brazile, a woman of color and the head of the DNC both said that the 2016 DNC primaries were rigged for Hillary Clinton against Bernie Sanders and. This is a thing!

Also ideology purity? If I recall correctly it's you that's lock stepping with the party platform, no? You get the irony, right? Also ideology purity, I'm a registered Democrat who owns multiple firearms, doesn't fit your narrative. How about my being a Democrat and not buying all immigration is 100% good with no drawbacks. I'm a Democrat, who opposes globalization definitely a break from

The neo lib globalization policies of the Republicrat, read that word again, Oligarchy that you're defending have been advocated for 35 years in America and they destroyed the working class. Economic Oligarchy isn't Democracy.

Also I'm going to especially enjoy licking your blood from the Guillotine blade......Capitalism almost collapsed 10 years ago, it won't be long now.

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