Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre Is Happening Right Before Our Eyes


I can't believe what I'm reading. You people are diluted! Where were you when DoucheBama was going against The Constitution? Where were you when he illegally passed DoucheBamaCare and burdening ALL Americans with debt while giving his buddies exemptions? Where were you when he was arming our enemies and bringing terrorists onto our soil? Where were you when he was raping our way of life or GIVING Iran nuclear power??


You want to try to be violent? PLEASE DO! I welcome it because then those of us that outnumber you have been long prepared, trained and eager to plant you and your children. My opinion is that our country is only as strong as its weakest link and ALL of you are weak links and as such, removing you from society permanently would be a yuge step forward to creating a stronger America and stronger future.

Go ahead and go there because the streets WILL run red with your weak snowflake blood. I guaranfuckinteeit!

Your best option is to shut the fuck up for the next seven years so our President can work towards undoing the damage done by the Kenyan.

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