I used to think my only problem was porn addiction

I quit all social media and games also, and I am spending that time with my wife and kids instead.

I've opened up to my wife. It was extremely difficult. Admitting to the porn addiction wasn't that hard, but admitting that I had a need of support, that I was afraid of rejection and it really hurt me, that was very different because I had to deal with my facade of being tough and resilient. I try to open up and lean on her for support when there's something that worries me or scares me. For example I'm starting a new business and I hate making sales calls (it scares me, that fear of rejection and failure again) and of course I'm worried whether I'll succeed with it or not, and I try to talk to her about it instead of just pretending everything is awesome. And for me it is hard to admit that kind of weakness; but my wife is supposed to be my attachment figure that I rely on for support, and without that I will just continue my dismissive-avoidant ways.

I've also made it clear to my wife that she has to change too. She can be quite bitchy and rejecting, and that will drive me into porn and away from her. We have two kids so that's a tough decision, but the bottom line is we have no future together if she's going to treat me badly; I can't recover, overcome my issues and beat my porn addiction if she's working against me. She HAS to be supportive; when I lean on her for support she has to give me support. And she can't be rejecting all of the time, or even most of the time. That was a tough one to get through, as it applies mostly to sex, but she had to change her outlook on it. I need a loving wife and a healthy, interesting sex life. I have zero interest in a sex-deprived marriage with constant rejection. I have no issue with rejection when our sex life works and there is a good reason - if I think she's generally sexually available then I don't mind that she's tired or had a bad day or a headache or whatever, but if she has the time and energy for house chores or planning the kid's birthday party next week, then not wanting sex is a complete no go, and flirtatious behavior is something that happens daily.

/r/NoFap Thread