Venezuela hospital crisis

The pictures of the babies aren't from Venezuela. It was in "Hospital de Occidente", Honduras, 2 or 3 years ago.


I am not doubting the medical crisis (and the number of factors that attribute it). But I don't want to be lied to for propaganda either. I take the Al Franken approach to this

Edit 2: Another photo that is not from Venezuela; actually from Brazil...

Edit 3: Another one from Columbia...

Edit 4: I think I struck a nerve with OP

Edit 5: Another partial pic that is from Bell Ville, Argentina; 2013 news report


Edit 7: And another one...

Edit 8: Continuing my research on this. I am Hispanic as well and can read/write in Spanish. Anyone can read and translate (thanks Google) to verify this information as well.

Edit 9: Thank you all for the support. The other photos are from Venezuela, but are dated to say the least (from 2014 from 2010 I believe). Not to make light of the situation; I just do not want to be peddled lies to promote an agenda. There is a lot of manipulative tactics happening on both sides right now and its difficult to see where the truth lies among all this propaganda (yes, both sides can be guilty of this; let's not forget the CIA's role during the Cold War in Latin America now.).

Unfortunately, this is not getting high upvotes enough to show the truth about this post; and OP is really not taking this well. Obviously, I will change any links that are not true related to the photos. Please know the truth about this post and spread the word. Thanks all!

Edit 10: This is not okay; OP is still submitting this album with the same pictures on other sites to fuel his BS

Edit 11: This was from r/wtf posted from another user; calling out another photo Thanks /u/ChechBETA

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