Venezuelans really want their country back. More people need to know what's going on in Venezuela. Maduro has installed himself as a dictator, he needs to be removed from power.

Maduro is trying to convene a constituent assembly right now in order to amend Venezuela's Constitution: his proposition has been characterized as anti-capitalist.

The reporting on this is heavily biased and full of weasel words and appeals to emotion. I'm having tremendous difficulty even finding a simple translation of Maduro's own comments on the Constitutional assembly, if someone has a handy link I would be grateful.

Several countries are struggling at once right now with bad elections, foreign influence in elections (propaganda that is, not Russian hackers), and other restrictions and suppressions of freedom.

The American media has been less than forthright and trustworthy lately, facts are difficult to come by, and they're riding this story hard on the side of the 'populist protesters'.

Bias is the constant background noise of almost every article in the media these days, but the bias tells half the story itself, whether it means to or not.

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