I weigh the heaviest I’ve ever weighed, and it’s taken a huge toll on my confidence

Ok, %70 of college students gain weight so you’re not alone. Do they still call it the freshman 15? Lol What’s on the scale doesn’t define who you are as a person, our culture bombards us with beauty standards and social media causes us to toxically compare each other’s lives. That will only make you feel worse about yourself. Love who you are today in the body you have, become friends with your body because it’s going to get you where you want to be. Don’t hate it for doing what it was meant to do, take care of it. Good news, you have a starting point that you’ll be able to look back on a year from now and say, “I’m so glad I weighed myself, felt like shit and made a change.” Just make changes each day to your goal and day by day you’ll get closer to it. Walk more around campus, get a calorie tracker choose healthier food options and remember calories in calories out. The weight will just fall off. Do not give up on yourself because you had a bad day, you deserve better than that. Cut the negative self talk out. And when you see yourself as ugly or fat, close your eyes, take a deep breath minimize the image of the negative you and replace it with 160lbs you and let that stick. Say an affirmation like,”I look great at 160lbs!” Good Luck! It’s ok to feel bad but that changes TODAY

/r/WeightLossAdvice Thread