What am I doing wrong?

It's not specifically r/advice, it's any subreddit I post to. I can't think of any real honest answers to questions I've asked. I know I'm posting in the right subreddit because I follow the guidelines set by each and the mods haven't been taking any posts down. For example, I posted in a math subreddit asking what formulas mathematicians would keep in their notebooks for reference. The only comment I got was "how is that useful?" Like, why can't that redditor just answer the question or leave it be? The post was then downvoted to oblivion for no apparent reason, I doubt seen by many, so I just deleted it. That's how it goes with a lot of my posts. Another example, I asked a question about a divorce in my state, specifically. I wanted to hear others' personal experiences. I also established in the post that I knew nothing I got online would be official legal advice, that I was looking for personal experiences and all the comments were something to the effect of "get a lawyer." It's just unhelpful

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